- class pymem3dg._core.Forces¶
The forces object
(*args, **kwargs)get the adsorption force
get the adsorption potential
get the aggregation force
get the aggregation potential
get the area difference force of the system
get the tension-induced capillary Force
get the chemical Potential
get the deviatoric curvature force of the system
get the deviatoric curvature potential
get the dirichlet Potential
get the entropy force
get the entropy Potential
get the externally-applied Force
get the interior point potential
get the interfacial line tension
get the the total mechanical force
get the osmotic force
get the osmotic pressure
get the spontaneous curvature force of the system
get the area gradient component of the spontaneous curvature force of the system
get the the gaussian curvature vector component of the spontaneous curvature force of the system
get the Schlaflic (smoothing) component of the spontaneous curvature force of the system
get the spontaneous curvature potential
(self)get the spring force
(self)get the Surface tension