- class pymem3dg._core.MeshMutator¶
Settings for mesh mutator
(self)Constructor of mesh mutator object
Collapse flat edges
Collapse edge if it is shorter than this scale factor times the estimated optimal edge length given by curvTol.
Collapse skinny triangles
Collapse small triangles
Tolerance for curvature approximation
Whether to flip non - Delaunay edge
Whether to require flatness condition when flipping non - Delaunay edge
Whether the mesh manipulations changing topology are permitted
Whether edges should be collapsed.
Whether to perform edge flipping
Boolean controlling if vertex shifting is run
Boolean controlling if mesh smoothing operations are run
Whether edges should be split.
Target maximum edge length
Target maximum face area
Target minimum edge length
Target minimum face area
Frequency (in numbers of iterations) at which to apply of mesh mutations.
Split edges on high curvature domains
Split edge if it is longer than this scale factor times the estimated optimal edge length given by curvTol.
Split obtuse triangles
Split edges with large incident faces
Split long edge
Split edge with sharp membrane property changes
Split triangles with poor aspect ratio which are still Delaunay